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Anyone can be a victim of dating violence. Both boys and girls are victims, but boys and girls abuse their partners in different ways. Girls are more likely to yell, threaten to hurt themselves, pinch, slap, scratch, or kick. Boys injure girls more and are more likely to punch their partner and force them to participate in unwanted sexual activity. Some teen victims experience physical violence only occasionally; others, more often.


If You Are a Victim of Dating Violence, You Might…
  • Think it's your fault.

  • Feel angry, sad, lonely, depressed, or confused.

  • Feel helpless to stop the abuse.

  • Feel threatened or humiliated.

  • Feel anxious.

  • Not know what might happen next.

  • Feel like you can't talk to family and friends.

  • Be afraid of getting hurt more seriously.

  • Feel protective of your boyfriend or girlfriend.

Get Help

Being a victim of dating violence is not your fault. Nothing you say, wear, or do gives anyone the right to hurt you.

  • If you think you are in an abusive relationship, get help immediately. Don't keep your concerns to yourself.

  • Talk to someone you trust like a parent, teacher, counselor, or nurse.

  • If you choose to tell, you should know that some adults are mandated reporters. This means they are legally required to report neglect or abuse to someone else, such as the police or child protective services. You can ask people if they are mandated reporters and then decide what you want to do. Some examples of mandated reporters are teachers, counselors, doctors, social workers, and in some cases, coaches or activity leaders. If you want help deciding whom to talk to, call a crisis line in your area. You might also want to talk to a trusted family member, a friend’s parent, an adult neighbor or friend, an older sibling or cousin, or other experienced person who you trust.


Youth Dating Violence

hip couple black and white

For free confidential counseling, call us today at (208) 733-0100

How can I make a Child Abuse Report?

By phone, you can call the Idaho CareLine by dialing 2-1-1 or 1-800-926-2588 to get the contact information of your local Child Protection Services office.

Contact CARES

CARES is at St. Luke's Magic Valley Clinic

2550 Addison Ave. E. Suite G in Twin Falls.

Hours are from 8 a.m. to 4:40 p.m.

Call: 208-814-7750


For more information on "CARES Gives Sexual Abuse Victims a Voice" click here.

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