who we serve
Voices Against Violence is an organization that serves survivors of any kind of violence, not specifically domestic violence. We serve women and men who have been victims of 27 different types of crimes.
Not only do we serve male and female survivors, but also our community. We provide education on several topics that can be in schools, churches, offices, and community groups. We value education and want to shine a light on this topic that is hard to talk about and end the cycle.
How to get in touch with us?
Our 24/hr Helpline: 208.733.0100
Text Line: (208) 733-0100
Email: help@vavmv.org
Administrative Office Hours: 9am - 5pm (M-F): 208.733.2558
Our highly trained advocates are available 24/7 to talk confidentially with anyone experiencing domestic violence, seeking resources or information, or questioning unhealthy aspects of their relationship. The Voices Against Violence Helpline provides lifesaving tools and immediate support to enable victims to find safety and live lives free of abuse.
Types of Crimes

1. Adult Sexual Assault
2. Adults SexuallyAbused/Assaulted as Children
3. Arson
4. Battery
5. Bullying (Verbal, Cyber, or Physical)
6. Burglary
7. Child Physical Abuse or Neglect
8. Child Pornography
9. Child Sexual Abuse/Assault
10. Domestic and/or Family Violence
11. DUI/DWI Incidents
12. Elder Abuse or Neglect
13. Hate Crime: Racial/Religious/Gender/Sexual Orientation/Other
14. Human Trafficking
15. Identity Theft/Fraud/Financial Crime
16. Kidnapping
17. Mass Violence (Domestic/International)
18. Vehicular Victimization (ex. Hit & Run)
19. Physical Assault
20. Property Crimes
21. Robbery
22. Stalking/ Harassment
23. Survivors of Homicide Victims
24. Teen Dating Victimization
25. Terrorism (Domestic/International)
26. Theft
27. Violation of a Court (Protective) Order